
Dr. Sujeevan Kumar Agir

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       Dr. Sujeevan Kumar Agir, has completed his B.Tech. from Jayaprakash Narayan college of Engineering College, Mahabubnagar, affiliated to JNTUH in 2001. He has completed his master degree (M.Tech) from MNNIT, Alahabad in the year 2006. He has completed Ph.D. from NIT, Rourkela in the year 2019. His association with JPNCE is since 2001, where he joined as Assistant Professor in ECE department. Promoted as Associate Professor in the year 2007. Took over as HOD of the department in October, 2017. During this tenure, he took part in many workshops also led a few among them Being a very active member of the department, he takes special interest in students, guiding them towards their goals and standing as a true Impetus behind their success. He also conducts special sessions to create awareness among the students about the technological updates. He strongly believes in educating students empirically and hence introduced the system of PBL(Project Based Learning) right from Second year. His extra ordinary programming skills help students make themselves job ready even before graduation. His areas of specialization: Electrochemistry, Embedded Sysems, Optimization, Machine Learning.